Friday, December 31, 2010


     Every Christian is called to a life of worship.  We may even attend two or three worship services a week.  Most of us we are in the pews week in and week out , we sing hyms, we participate in prayer, we listen to the sermon and we go home. For us our weekly duty to worship is over.
     For many of us worship is an activity that we have to do, something that we know that God has charged us with, but it is an  experience that never makes it beyond our ears, never makes it to our brains much less our hearts. We sit in our pew, the frozen chosen , daring anyone to bless us.  Heaven forbid that we should ever engage in worship.
      God has called us to an extravagant worship experiences. We are called to an intimate experience between us and the Lord of all creation. If anything, worship should be joyful. Worship should even at times be a little undignified. We should laugh, we should weep, we should dance and sing.
     In her worship of God, Hannah was accused of being a little crazy. King David worshiped the Lord by dancing before the Arc of the Covenant, he was considered a fool by his wife Michol. On the day of Pentecost the disciples were accused of being drunk on new wine and it wasn’t even nine in the morning.
     What is the most that can be said about your worship? Do you raise holy hands? Do you weep for joy ? Or are you too concerned with what other people will say or think? We all need to practice a little Undignified Worship.
Shout joyfully to God, all the Earth, sing the glory of His name: Make his praise glorious. All the Earth will worship You, and will sing praises to You: they will sing Praises to Your name.      Psalm 66:1-2, 4

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