Friday, December 17, 2010


     On any given Sunday churches across the country are filled with the faithful. We come in we sing, we mouth prayers, follow along with the Pastors sermon, we may even jot down a few notes.  Just a few minutes after we leave the church we are hard pressed to remember what the sermon was about, or the songs that we sang during the service.  We honor God with our lips but our hearts are far from God. (Matthew 15:8) 
     We do not engage in worship. We show up but never quite tune in. We make a lot of noise, and everybody knows that we were there so that we get credit for showing up, but we are not really there to worship.  
     God says in Amos 5:23 “I don’t want your noise!”  I don’t want your songs, no music and no words.  God wants people who worship with their whole hearts. God says I don’t need your offerings or your sacrifices.  He wants you, not just part of you, all of you.  In spirit and in truth. (John 4:24)  He would rather you not show up at all than to show up and offer half hearted worship. Worship is not an obligation that we have to pay to God; it is a privilege that we should long for, the opportunity to sit at the Masters feet.  The opportunity for true worship.     

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