Wednesday, December 15, 2010

In the Shadow lands

     February 16th 1999, 5:38 pm I gave my life to Christ. It has been to say the least a wonderful adventure. The funniest thing is that for many years I had tried to be counter cultural. I like most teenagers wanted to be different, different just like everyone else. It wasn't until I became a Christian that I became truly counter cultural.
     I had decided early on that if I as going to be a Christian that I was going all in. I never wanted to be what I was again, I was never going to go back to my old life. I had decide that if I was going to be a Christian that I wanted to be as close to God as I possible could be. While reading my brand new off the shelf Bible I ran across Psalm 91.  "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most high will abide in the Shadow of the Almighty." Psalm 91:1-2.
     For me Psalm 91 became the illustraation for what I wanted to be as a Christian. I wanted to be so close in my walk with the Lord that I was always in his shadow. Eleven years later I'm still walking and for the most part I'm still walking in the shadow lands.    

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