Friday, December 17, 2010

Are we there yet?

These days it is easier than ever to travel. Getting from place to place is a snap with some of the new technology. With a GPS it is only a matter of punching in the address that you want to get to and the Tom-tom or Garmin sitting on your dashboard will give you turn by turn directions to get you to where you are going. Even if you take a wrong turn it will re-calibrate your location and get you back on the right path.
     It wasn’t too long ago that if you needed to get somewhere you had to rely on other people’s directions, hoping that they know what they’re talking about, or on your own sense of direction, all the while having our wives and girlfriend pleading for us to stop and get directions.
     While the English Pastor F.B. Meyer was traveling to Glasgow Scotland he had the opportunity to talk with the Ship’s Captain. Meyer asked the Captain how it was that he was able to navigate the channel while avoiding the sandbars and underwater obstacles. Pointing of into the distance the Captain asked Meyer, “Do you see those three lights?” “When each of those lights is lined up together you know that you are in the center of the channel and you’re safe from any hazard.”
     Even as easy as it is for us to travel today we can still have trouble navigating our spiritual lives. If we follow other people’s examples, go with the consensus, we can risk running into trouble. (The blind leading the blind.) If we go with our gut, doing like the Israelites did, by doing what was right in our own heart; we may just need to ask for directions.
   If we want to be obedient, navigating in the center of God’s will, we may need to realign our spiritual lives a bit. We need to line our lives up with God’s word, Prayer, and Godly advice from other believers.  If we can line up our lives along those lines we can avoid those hidden things that can hang us up and threaten to sink us in our spiritual lives. Even if we get off track these three will get us back to where we need to be.    

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