Friday, December 31, 2010

Handle with Care

     At the start of every academic year, in the basement of the old Gaston Ave. Baptist Church, students of the Criswell College are introduced and welcomed to the college.  Sitting in that auditorium your eyes are drawn inexorable towards the plaque that borders the stage. Generation of young preachers have read the words on this plaque and taken them as their own, taken them as an admonition to shape their ministries.
      Paul penned these words to his young protégée Timothy. Timothy was facing the challenge of his young life. Shortly, Timothy would be taking on the congregation of the Church at Ephesus. Paul’s advice was not only for Timothy, it was not even for the preachers who would follow him, but for every believer who would  ever handle the Word of God . “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)”   
     At the time that Paul was writing these words, there were already those in the first century who were distorting the words of God to their own benefit. The Judaizers and Gnostics had infiltrated the church adding to or even substituting their own teachings for the Word of God. These men sought to lead the believers of the time astray. To this day there are those who stretch the Word till it is no longer identifiable as the Word of God. There are others who use scriptures twisting the meaning in order to justify their way of life, a lifestyle that God had already condemned.
     Paul’s words are not for them though, he left his words for us. He left them as a sacred trust. We must make sure that we do not distort the Word of God or read into it our own meaning. Every Pastor, laymen, and believer has the duty to make sure that the Word of God  is handled correctly. We need to handle the Word of God as a Master Craftsman and a workman will be known by his work.  Be proud.

“The Bible is the straight stick of truth by which all things must be measured.” - D. L. Moody

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