Wednesday, December 5, 2012

All I want for Christmas

Every year I try to get all of my Christmas shopping done early. Around the first of September I start planning and I make a pledge that this year I will have all of my shopping done by the first of December so that I can truly enjoy the Holiday Season.  If I get one thing a week by the time Thanksgiving rolls around I will be in good shape and by the first I will be done. Well, at least that’s how the plan goes.

     December first hits and once again I’m horrified to find out that I have picked up only one or two things. That’s when the Panic sets in.  What am I going to do? Where am I going to go? When am I going to find the time? Between work, family events, Church functions, and well life in general, the precious days turn into hours, and the hours slip past like seconds.

      As if the time issues were not enough you have to figure out what to get everyone on our list. What do I get for Mom? What do I get for Uncle Herman? Who do I include? Who do I leave off? Is a Gift card too impersonal? If I get her something that she does not really want, am I going to get it back for next year’s Birthday?

     From the middle of October on we get it from all sides, Christmas displays and carols hit you before the witches and goblins have disappeared and Thanksgiving turns into an afterthought to the commercial aspect of the season. We are surrounded by a cacophony of lights and sounds. Everywhere signs proclaim SALE!! SALE!!! SALE! Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Door busters, and this year for the first time stores are remaining open for days on end to extract the last pennies out of a sluggish economy.

     If you are not careful the whole experience can cause even the most devoted to the season to echo those immortal words,”Bah Humbug!”  If you are not lucky you find yourself with only an aversion to Christmas music, fifteen pounds that you cannot explain where they came from, and a facial tick that won’t go away till Easter. Even worse you can find that you have missed everything that Christmas has come and gone without you being able to enjoy it at all.

     All the signs were there. You could not miss the trappings of this Christmas. The venders busy hocking their wares, the shops filled to the roof tops. An air of expectation and excitement fills the air; electric with the anticipation of things to come. The people were rushing off to work and going about the business of living. They missed all the signs, they were supposed to be watching and waiting. But in the end they didn’t even see the star, the star that heralded the coming of the Messiah.

      Oh, it didn’t go totally unnoticed. There were the lowly shepherds who would witness the birth of the Prince of Peace. Not to mention those foreigners who traveled across deserts from the East. Other than that very few people even noticed the first Christmas night. Few could be bothered to interrupt their busy lives to celebrate the birth.  The most awesome event in the history of mankind came and went without it even showing up on anybody’s radar.

     If we are not careful we can fly through the holiday season and miss everything. No, I’m not talking about the music or the presents; we can miss the meaning of the season completely caught up in the tinsel and the lights, the hoopla and the hype. We can miss celebrating the birth of our Savior. We can wind up missing Jesus.   

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